TB-1000 Skid Steer Tree Shear | Sidney
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A surcharge of $ is included to off-set the rising costs of steel | Learn more
The carbon steel market is poised to grow by 699.35 MT during 2020-2024 progressing at a CAGR of almost 8% during the forecast period." (Source: Business Wire)
This is what we are seeing all across the industry; day after day new emails from vendor's telling us that their prices are rising, every order we make for materials needs to be revised because the last price is no longer valid, and for good reason. The cost of steel materials has been steadily increasing throughout 2020, and it unfortunately has not slowed into 2021. The reduced capacities of companies in this industry due to Covid-19 health and safety regulations continues to have an impact. As a result, we are forced to increase our list pricing for 2021 and add a steel surcharge to off-set the rising costs that is projected to continue this year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have on our close and prospective customers. We we will do what we can to keep our prices low when the opportunities are found, but right now we are left with little options.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Product overview
Sidney TBL-1000 Skid Steer Tree Shear
The Sidney TB-1000 Tree Shear for skid steers has multiple uses, you can cut a tree down, pivot the shear from inside your cab and cut the tree into sections. Pick up the sections and carry them away. Reach up and trim a standing tree. Clear downed trees quickly and easily.
The "World's Best Tree Shear" is just what Sidney have claimed for the predecessors to this shear. This new model was derived from customer feedback. Customers wanted a smaller shear to mount to their backhoes and mini excavators as well as mini skid steers. The previous models were just too darn heavy to work on these machines because of the extended reach or lighter lifting capacities. Sidney listened and this is the result. This model is designed to cut up to a 10" hardwood tree (green). It features the full 100 degree rotation that made Sidney famous . You can still cut the tree and then rotate the shear to cut it into smaller pieces or pick the limb up and move it.
The Sidney TBL-1000 Tree Shear is a commercial grade tree shear built exclusively to be used with Small Skid Steer Loaders, compact Skid Steer Loaders, Mini Excavators or backhoes. An assortment of mounts are available and some are not. If you order this attachment it will come with a blank flat plate that you can mount your own mounting ears to. If you would like us to provide it with mounts, please advise as there may or may not be a price change to the attachment. It all depends on the complexity of the mount required.
- Cut a tree down, pivot the shear from inside your cab and cut the tree into sections.
- Pick up the sections and carry them away.
- Reach up and trim a standing tree.
- Clear downed trees quickly and easily.
What can it cut?
- Hardwood trees (Green) up to 10" in diameter.
- Larger softwood trees.
- Jaws open large enough to allow a 14" tree, however we cannot guarantee it will cut as it is dependent on the hardness of the tree.
- Limitless uses in logging and timber operations.
What can it not cut?
- Tires
- Steel
- Scrap
- Wire
- Dead Animals (Believe it or not, this question has been asked more than once)
Since your machine has only one set of hydraulics, the shear has an on-board solenoid valve that switches the hydraulics from shear mode to pivot mode. With Attachment Controls selected above, everything is supplied and you do not need to provide anything except about an hour for installation.
Plug and play is now available (select above) for the Sidney Tree Shear for Bobcat machines e/w 14 pin connectors. Cat/ASV 8 pin plug and play also available. New Holland and John Deere 14 Pin connectors just added. Our attachment can plug directly into your machine and operate from your stick controls.
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