Company History

The origin story
Robert Leib purchased his first machine, a Bobcat 642B skid steer, to help with landscaping and property maintenance on his new property in Bellingham, WA.
Rob proceded to get the machine stuck within 15 minutes of its arrival on the property, prompting him to build his first product, a set of chain tracks, with the help of his dirtbiking buddies (who were also welders) who said they could "hook him up". The tracks were so effective that Rob started selling them shortly after.

After a large corporation expressed disapproval with his website domain name (, Rob switched to Little did he know, that name would quickly be rendered much too narrow for what the website was about to become.
In 2002 (with the help of his riding buddies, who are welders) Rob created his first skid steer attachment, a backhoe, for use around his property. Shortly after that came an auger, tree spade, and 3 point adapter, all of which would be put up for sale on

A name that stuck
After a few years, the website was dominated by skid steer attachments, and Rob realized that wasn't so good of a name anymore. It was time for a change.
Through his years of experience helping other operators, one thing stuck out: People always called looking for advice, or a solution to a problem they had. "Why don't we call it Skid Steer Solutions?"

The birth of Eterra
By 2007 Skid Steer Solutions was bringing on other brands of attachments, and Rob realized that what he had created was no longer an attachment brand, but a marketplace.
Calling his attachments Skid Steer Solutions brand became a little confusing, so the Eterra brand was born. Eterra has remained a small player in the industry, having to compete with large entities who benefit from economies of scale. Rob understood from the beginning that we would never be able to compete with the big companies on price and volumes. "We can't be the cheapest - it's impossible. But we can be the best."

Our company today
Leaving out just a few details (blood, sweat, tears... you get it), that catches us up to the present day. We are proud to be here to continue to serve our customers, provide jobs for hardworking and dedicated individuals, and work alongside some of the finest attachment and tool suppliers in the industry.
Regardless of the pride we feel for our work, we are always seeking to improve our processes and provide better service and experiences for our customers and partners. We appreciate your support, and welcome all feedback. Don't hesitate to reach out to us via our contact us page, or give us a call for any reason!
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About Us
Our Company
Over 70 listed brands, thousands of products, and a team dedicated to finding a solution for you. Learn about what we do at Skid Steer Solutions.
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About Us
Meet the Team
Meet the amazing individuals that make our company tick! These people are dedicated to finding the right solution for you, and making our company mission a reality.
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Community Involvement
We recognize our responsibility to the community, and strive to go above and beyond. Learn about our efforts in Motocross, Youth Recreation, Mental Health, and Species Preservation.
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